This electronic filing form allows you to complete and submit a Request for mediation under Rule 2 of the APCAM Mediation Rules to the selected APCAM Centre. Upon submission, a copy of this Request will be sent to the Opposite Party.
Mandatory fields are marked as (*).
APCAM arbitration can be invoked if the parties have agreed to such procedure by means of an APCAM arbitration clause or APCAM Arb-Med-Arb clause in the relevant contract.
A party invoking APCAM arbitration may submit an arbitration submission to APCAM, in accordance with Rule 2 of the APCAM Arbitration Rules. The Arbitrator will be appointed as per Rule 5 or 6. APCAM conducts arbitration process as per the APCAM Arbitration Rules.
The submission for Arbitration may be made to the office of APCAM Centre of the respective country or choose your APCAM Centre and submit the same online.
The claimant shall pay the registration fee and advance payment as required under Rule 23 and as per the Arbitration Fee Schedule. You can calculate the fee and expenses using the Fee Calculator.